Whether at a family party explaining that I run an escape room or speaking to prospective customers about what we offer – I keep finding that I hear the same misguided response “I’m scared I would never get out” or “I wouldn’t want to be locked in somewhere for an hour – I’m claustrophobic” – it seems that the focus always seems to be on the ‘locked in a small space’ aspect and not on what I believe it should be which is the interactivity, fun and sense of adventure that escape rooms bring! I often think that just the name itself ‘Escape Room’ is what has caused this myth – I admit it can sound a bit ominous! That’s why I would love to start a petition to change the name from Escape Rooms to Puzzle Quests or Adventure Games or something cool like that – but that’s another blog entirely!

Contrary to what some believe, Escape Rooms are all about having a fun bonding experience with your family/friends! Think of it like being in a gameshow like The Crystal Maze or Raven you have to solve puzzles and conquer challenges in order to complete the storyline objective before your time runs out!

Here are a few house rules at Hourglass Games;

  1. THE MAIN OBJECTIVE IS FOR YOU AND YOUR TEAM TO HAVE FUN! Say it louder for those at the back, folks. Honestly, I feel like I need to get this written on a t-shirt and across my forehead!
  2. Here in the UK, there are many, many laws that stipulate that you cannot actually lock people in spaces without means of exit.
  3. Claustrophobic or don’t like the idea of being ‘locked in’ a room? – FUN FACT – at Hourglass Games, you are never (EVER) locked in and can always leave the experience at whatever point you choose. Our games only have a curtain separating you from the outside world so never be afraid to leave the room if you so wish. Although we won’t stop the timer (the game will continue for the rest of your team), you can always be re-inserted back into your game once you’ve been to the toilet, taken a breather or just stepped out for a while!

Now we’ve got that out of the way, perhaps you should come and give Hourglass Games Escape Rooms a try! We promise to offer a fun and safe experience for everybody that walks through our doors!

Hope to see you soon,
